5-year-old girl who beat coronavirus fighting for her life with Kawasaki disease


A 5-year-old girl is fighting for her life in hospital just weeks after beating a mild form of COVID-19, according to reports.

British father Pier Roberts said his daughter Scarlett is now in intensive care after contracting Kawasaki disease.

As per the Daily Mirror, the said doctors have only given his little girl a 20 percent chance of survival. The disease has been talked of in recent times as a possible reaction to coronavirus, particularly amongst children.

Pier said Scarlett contracted COVID-19 while attending school before Britain’s lockdown. Her case was a mild one, and she was “fit and healthy” six weeks before suffering multi-organ failure.

Scarlett’s great-aunt June shared an image of the 5-year-old hooked up to a ventilator.

“This is my five-year-old great niece. She was fit and healthy until a mild bout of Covid-19 five weeks ago from which she appeared to recover,” she wrote on Twitter.

“She is now in ICU with a Kawasaki inflammatory response. She is off the ventilator but has developed heart problems.”

She wrote in an update:

“She’s had to go to theatre to have a second line put in. Her heart is doing scary things. Her mum says it’s a routine procedure and should make the next few days easier for her.”

All of my thoughts and prayers go out to Scarlett at this time. I can only imagine the worry and pain her poor family is going through.

Share this article to send well wishes to Scarlett, and to remind people that they need to be taking coronavirus seriously.

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