American Airlines will allow crew members to wear Black Lives Matter pin


American Airlines has joined the growing list of companies allowing their employees to show their support for the Black Lives Matter movement.

On Tuesday, the airline announced that it would allow its employees to wear a Black Lives Matter pin.

“Fundamentally, we believe Black Lives Matter is an expression of equality, not a political statement,” Sarah Jantz, a spokesperson said. “It doesn’t mean other lives don’t matter, rather that in our society Black lives should matter and be valued the same as others.”

Photo by Miguel Ángel Sanz on Unsplash

Jantz said the move wasn’t a political one, but “expression of equality.”

“It doesn’t mean other lives don’t matter, rather that in our society black lives should matter and be valued the same as others. That’s not political.”

The Black Lives Matter pin, which will be designed with the airline’s Black Professional Network, is just another option for employees to show their support for equality. American Airlines employees already have the option to wear approved pins showing support for Christians, veterans, and the LGBTQ community.

This announcement makes American Airlines one of several companies that allow employees to show their support for the movement.

Most notably, the NBA and WNBA have allowed players to replace their names on their jerseys with social justice messages and have placed “Black Lives Matter” on the courts.

In addition, Delta Air Lines, Taco Bell, and Starbucks offer opportunities for their employees to support the Black Lives Matter movement.

I think it’s great that American Airlines is showing their support for the Black Lives Matter movement, a human issue.

I wish more companies would do the same. Share if you agree.

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