Dad mauled by bear in his own kitchen as he protects his sleeping twin boys


I don’t know about you guys, but in the area where I live just about the most troublesome thing that can happen regarding wildlife is foxes trying to eat my trash.

Of course, some people live in altogether more dangerous places. Take, for example, Dave Chernosky, a father-of-two who was attacked by a large brown bear in his own kitchen in Aspen, Colorado.

As per incredible reports, Dave said he heard commotion taking place in the middle of the night on Friday and went to investigate. The fight that ensued could easily have cost him his life.

Credit / Shutterstock

Dave said he was able to survive a near-fatal mauling by shouting at the bear after it had attacked him as he sought to protect his twin sons who were sleeping downstairs. The animal eventually left him torn and bloody, sulking off when it realized there was no food to be had.

Speaking to CNN, Dave explained: “I figured it probably was (a bear), but I was sure hoping for something else once I got into the kitchen.”

As he entered the kitchen, Dave confronted the bear, which weighed an estimated 400 pounds. By that stage it had opened draws, thrown furniture around and was trying to rifle through the refrigerator.

Keeping the kitchen island between himself and the bear, Dave tried to herd it out into the garage so it would leave. Yet the bear got spooked when he hit the button to open the garage door, and returned to the kitchen disturbed and angry.

“We looked at each other, and he just smacked me in the side of the head and spun me around and got me again on the back,” Dave said.

Credit / Dave Chernosky

“I literally heard it crack on my head. A bear paw is not soft and cushy.”

Reeling, Dave was able to put distance between himself and the bear and, though bleeding heavily from his neck and forehead, shout at him to leave.

He explained: “I just knew if he didn’t leave I was in big trouble but fortunately, he was done at that point and just left.”

Doctors were able to patch Dave up at the hospital, though said he was lucky the bear’s claws missed his eye and carotid artery.

Officials with Colorado Parks and Wildlife were then able to track down the bear and put it to sleep.

Matt Yamashita, Area Wildlife Manager, said in a statement: “We never like to have to put an animal down but the protection of the public is paramount once a bear begins entering homes and responding aggressively toward people.”

What a brave man Dave truly is. And thank God he made it out of this terrifying situation alive.

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