Brady and Asharel met when they were both freshmen in college; they had classes together and knew they liked each other but tried to ignore it, until they couldn’t any longer.
They dated throughout college and got engaged shortly after they graduated.
It was a fairytale experience for both of them, getting married 10 months after they got engaged and then falling pregnant ten months after they married, but not everyone had the same view of the love they had for each other.
“As an interracial couple, we have learned to ignore some people while out in public,” Asharel shared with Love What Matters.
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Happy Valentine’s Day, to My Love I am so blessed to be celebrating yet, another Valentine’s Day with you, but as a married couple Thank you for always being so great to me, and taking care of our little family! Cheers to many more with you cutie pie!
A post shared by A S H A R E L C H A S T A I N (@asharel.chastain) on Feb 14, 2019 at 12:00pm PST
“As an interracial couple, we sometimes get glares from both the white and black communities. Glares that are meant to be judgmental since we are ‘married outside of our race.’
“The glares and hateful stares have never bothered my husband and I, but we definitely notice it.
“We have been together for so long and have come so far in our relationship that we just laugh, and talk about how ridiculous people are in 2020 to still judge an interracial couple.”
When Asharel was in 3rd grade she moved to Glenpool, Oklahoma, and felt welcome there despite being one of the few people of color in her school.
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It’s been exactly 5 months since I married this man Everyday he still seems to amaze me. He goes above, and beyond for our family to make sure we are taken care of. He spoils me with junk food even when I don’t need it. And seriously he loves me unconditionally.. I still don’t know how I got so lucky. . . I love you. I love you. You are my favorite person in the whole wide world.
A post shared by A S H A R E L C H A S T A I N (@asharel.chastain) on Dec 7, 2018 at 12:20pm PST
Her husband Brady grew up in a small, predominantly white town and was taught to love everyone.
“He loved his black friends and coaches as if they were his own family,” she said.
Asharel says now they are both more mature they understand that some people will always judge them and not like that they are together but it only serves to make their relationship stronger.
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We got to go home from the hospital yesterday, and our little family is complete!! • • I am truly blessed to be able to call myself little miss A’vayas Mom She’s the best little snuggler & already has us ALL wrapped around her little fingers! • • Brady has been nothing but amazing throughout the entire process, and is already the best Dad to our little princess! I can tell they’re going to be inseparable, and I love it! • • We have the best family who ensured that we were well taken care of everyday, and we love you guys!! • Thanks to everyone who has reached out to us! We appreciate it so much! We have been super busy figuring this new parenting life out! • Special thanks to @reneeburden87 for the custom onesie! & Special thanks to @recaptured_values for the pants & hat set! • • • • • #mommyanddaddy #newparents #newjourney #babygirl #pregnancyjourney #parenthood #momblogger #mommyblogger #newfamilymember #newmom #newdad #january2020baby #mixedbabies #mixedkids #goinghomeoutfit #parenthood_moments #mixedfamilies #interracialfamilies #momanddad #mixedfamily #explore #interracialrelationships #mixedbabies
A post shared by A S H A R E L C H A S T A I N (@asharel.chastain) on Jan 11, 2020 at 10:20am PST
“We have come to understand it does not matter what other people think. We love each other so much it only makes our love grow stronger for one another.”
Asharel and Brady have a baby girl and have vowed to teach her to love everything about herself and to educate her on her cultural backgrounds.
“We are determined to teach our daughter to love everyone, no matter the color of their skin, appearance, etc. We are determined to teach her to love with an open heart.
“We will teach her to know the color of someone’s skin does not define who they are,” Asharel says.
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this little peanut of ours keeps us on our toes, and keeps us smiling. she’s learning something new everyday, and we are just so proud of her. she’s now blowing bubbles, have found her hands, & ears, starting to giggle at us, and she’s even starting to hold her own bottle I know I say it all the time, but being a parent is by far one of the most rewarding journeys in this life of mine. I will forever cherish all of these sweet memories with my little family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #babygirl #newmom #newdad #familytime #family #familyiseverything #momanddad #interracialfamily #newparents #mixedbabies #mixedkids #biracialfamily #biracialbabies #biracialkids #interracialmarriage #interraciallove #babytime #mixedfamily #blackmomblogger #blackmomsbelike #biracialcouples #newbornbaby #mixedbabygirl #theellenshow #ellenshow #blackmomsdaily #bloggersofinstagram #boxbraids #boxbraidstyles #braidstyles #family #familytime
A post shared by A S H A R E L C H A S T A I N (@asharel.chastain) on Mar 18, 2020 at 11:58am PDT
I too can’t believe people have this response to an interracial couple in 2020.
Please share to show this beautiful family our love and support.
The post Interracial couple reveal hateful stares and slurs only make them stronger appeared first on Happy Santa.