It was a trying time for one New York family and the outlook was bleak after a mother-to-be contracted COVID-19 and was in a coma.
Adriana Torres was admitted to hospital in Long Island, New York after testing positive for COVID-19 and medical staff were forced to make some tough decisions to save them both.
Doctors decided the baby had to be delivered 11 weeks early if they were to save her life but as COVID-19 cases hit their peak in the area and there was a shortage of beds, they feared Adriana may have to give birth in a hospital hall.
Thankfully Adriana’s condition stabilized overnight and they were able to move her near the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), where the baby would have access to all the facilities needed to ensure her well-being.

Baby Leah safely entered the world on April 8 weighing just over two pounds and instead of it being a joyful occasion her family remained concerned for the welfare of mother and baby.
Thankfully, Adriana pulled through, waking up on her 41st birthday to find she had given birth to a baby girl, but while Adriana could return home, baby Leah couldn’t and remained in hospital for another 7 weeks.
When Leah was allowed to return home she and her mom left the hospital to a rousing ovation from doctors, nurses and other staff members.

Adriana said in Spanish that she felt so fortunate to be alive and to take her baby home.
Dr. Nazeeh Hanna, chief of Neonatal Medicine at NYU Winthrop Hospital said: “It was not an easy seven weeks. For our hospital, for our NICU, definitely for our nation.
“Going from so bleak, so grim, so difficult, to what we have today is sunshine, is amazing that she’s leaving today, when Long Island is re-opening,” he added.

I’m so happy this beautiful family is finally reunited and all are healthy again.
They’ve experienced such dark times but now their future is a bright and happy one with their new bundle of joy.
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