One of the greatest gifts in life is the gift of a family.
A family is a group of people bonded by love and solidarity.
A family bonded by love is always hard to break or tamper what. No matter how they third part tries to break them, it won’t come to pass.
I was brought up in a family full of live and love. They are the best souls I ever met, they made me who I am today.
They are the sole reason I always stand out of the crowd. Seems I was the only one brought up in the way of God and not the 21st century upbringing.
I was taught the importance of letting love triumph in all I do. I knew the importance of family even at my young age.
Every December of the year is regarded as family time. Even uncles living in different parts of the world always come back to grace the occasion.
The old male ones have a quiet time with the growing boys same with the girls. It is an act to always remind them about the importance of family and all they have been taught so far.
There are friends who turn families as well. I have celebrated fifteen years of friendship with my best friend. She has always been there for me, through thick and thin. I can say she’s a friend turned family. We have the same goals and ambitions.
We have come a long way and she’s the only one that has stood up to identify my flaws and helped me work towards being a better person. She is family.
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