Young mom blessed with quadruplets only weeks after adopting 4 foster children


To welcome a child to the world and to your life is the greatest and most expected gift for many couples. Maxine and Jake Young had always dreamed about having a big family, but the dream became a nightmare when they realized they were struggling with infertility. They could never imagine that within weeks their life was about to change drastically.

Maxine and Jake Young married in May 2016, in Pennsylvania, and they couldn’t wait to start a family right away. Maxine wanted to have her own kids, but she also wanted to give a home and a family to kids who needed it, so adoption was in her mind too.

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Baby Daddy 🙋🏼‍♂️

A post shared by @ maxinelee_y on Apr 10, 2020 at 3:54pm PDT

“Jacob was completely on board and loved the idea of having a house filled with lots of love and laughter, maybe a little bit of chaos too!”, tells Jacob’s mum, ArLette Young, in the page they she created in GoFundMe to try to get help for her son’s family.

After being married for just a few months, in February 2017 Maxine and Jake Young started the foster training. After the training, and some more necessary steps, they were approved to take placements in June of 2017.  

Four siblings needed a family

A moth later the couple got a call, there were a sibling group of three children, ages 4, 2 and 11 months that need a home. And a few weeks later, they picked up their newborn baby sister from the hospital.

It wasn’t easy. Every kid is different and has his/her own needs. The new parents had to face an Autism diagnosis, a lot of trauma to overcome and other challenges, tells Jacob’s mom in GoFundMe.

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Happy Fathers Day to the man who loves without fear. Thank You for loving us like you do. Life is an adventure, everyday it’s chaotic and unpredictable, but one things for sure, it’s always filled with love. You are home for us. ❤

A post shared by @ maxinelee_y on Jun 16, 2019 at 8:34am PDT

At the same time, Maxime and Jacob were not giving up on their dream to have biological children, but that journey was’t easy either. Maxine suffered multiple miscarriages and chemical pregnancies and they had to do IVF and an IUI.

After all the struggle, in October 2018 they were blessed with their son, Henry.

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Our sweet sweet boy, Henry Ellis decided to make his appearance on October 18th at 5:09am. 8 pounds 6 ounces and 21 & 1/2 inches long. He is perfect and we are so in love. 💙

A post shared by @ maxinelee_y on Oct 20, 2018 at 9:00am PDT

The family was then completed… or not?

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We dove in head first, without knowing how to swim. It felt like all we did was tread water for the first few months. Slowly, very slowly we began to learn one another, we got into a rhythm of things and it became second nature. Life was normal, or as normal as having 4 children in foster care could be. We had melted into a unit, we had become a family. Now don’t get me wrong, there were hard days where we went to bed wondering how we could go on. Days where I woke up asking for forgiveness and a second chance to be a better mother, but those days are far outnumbered by the good days, the days where I can’t wait to wake up and do it all again. YOU, you are the hero’s of this world. The silent soldiers who make this world a better place just by being in it. I am in awe of you. All of you. You have shown me what matters in this world. You have given me glasses so that I could see the world through a different lens. Unrelentingly beautiful souls who have persevered through the toughest of circumstances and come out surprisingly kind and trusting. The world needs more people like you in it. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I am eternally grateful for the joy you have brought into my life, the love you have shown me and the unimaginable strength you have displayed. I have had the most cherished honor of taking care of you, loving you and protecting you for the past two and a half years. It has changed me. You have made me better, in every way possible. Now I have the greatest honor of being your mama. You have given me the most meaningful and fulfilling role of my lifetime. Thank you for the forgiveness and grace you have shown me as I navigated my way through learning how to be a mother, for accepting me as I am, despite my flaws and for showing me that wishes and miracles aren’t only in the movies. You, all of you, you are magic.

A post shared by @ maxinelee_y on Dec 21, 2019 at 10:32am PST

Within weeks of the adoption being finalized, one day Maxine notice something was happening in her body. She was pregnant again!

‘I didn’t even think that I could get pregnant without doing IVF or IUI, which we had to do with our son. I remember texting [my husband] and was like, “Oh my God”, Maxine said to Daily Mail.

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After my final HCG blood test my DR scheduled me the following week to come in for an ultrasound. I was estimated to be around 5 weeks when they scheduled the first scan. I was on eggshells that whole week. Every twinge or pain I wondered if everything was alright. I’m sure many of you can relate when I say, that after you have experienced loss, it sort of casts a shadow over any future pregnancies. I’m constantly worried that something is wrong. So, the day of the ultrasound comes and I told Jake that I was just going to go by myself because they probably wouldn’t see much, if anything. We had the two babies at home and I didn’t want to drag them all the way to my appointment. After waiting a few minutes I got called back, they did another blood test and I was transferred to the ultrasound room to get prepared for my scan. When the tech started my scan it was easy to see there was one larger sac right in the middle of my uterus, but off to the side there did look like two other little black “spots”. She didn’t mention those spots and said that everything looked good, we had a pregnancy sac and it was measuring 5 weeks 2 days. I asked her what the other two spots were and she said they could just be blood that has gathered and pooled in my uterus. She said the DR wanted me to come back the following week for another scan. I left the clinic feeling so good! My blood levels were excellent, progesterone looked good and it seemed as though we had one viable, healthy baby. The following week I went back for another ultrasound. As soon as she started the scan I could see she had a surprised look on her face. It was very clear when you looked at the screen that there were three pregnancy sacs, all about the same size, you could also see yolk sacs and even fetal poles. She looked at me and said “welp, it looks like there are three babies growing in there!”. I started nervously laughing and was in complete shock. I asked her if everything looked normal and if the babies were measuring on track, they were, 6 weeks on the dot. I had another scan scheduled for the following week. Finished in comments! ……

A post shared by @ maxinelee_y on May 15, 2020 at 4:10pm PDT

The couple was very surprised and happy, but they could never imagen that the biggest surprise was still waiting for them.

“As soon as she (the doctor) started the scan I could see she had a surprised look on her face. It was very clear when you looked at the screen that there were three pregnancy sacs, all about the same size, you could also see yolk sacs and even fetal poles. She looked at me and said “welp, it looks like there are three babies growing in there!”. I started nervously laughing and was in complete shock. I asked her if everything looked normal and if the babies were measuring on track, they were, 6 weeks on the dot. I had another scan scheduled for the following week”, Maxine writes on Instagram.

They found out that there were having quadruplets

On July 31, at 32 weeks of pregnancy, Maxine gave birth to 4 beautiful babies, each weighting between three and four pounds. They named Silas Ledger, Theo Alexander, Beck Killian, and Cecilia Hudson.

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My heart is full. 💙 💙 💙 💗 #quads #quadruplets #quadrupletsofinstagram #multiples #babies #preemies #preemiestrong #nicu #niculife

A post shared by @ maxinelee_y on Aug 25, 2020 at 9:22pm PDT

‘Meeting the babies was an indescribable moment. All of the struggles from the past few months were immediately forgotten, the pain and stress didn’t matter, in that moment, everything we have been through was worth it,’ write Maxine on Facebook. 

‘Luckily, they’re all doing really well, and we’re really grateful,’ says a happy Maxine. 

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My heart is bursting. I can’t believe these four babies were in my belly less than 6 weeks ago. I honestly don’t want to jinx it but this has been easier then I thought it was going to be, I think it’s because I am just so grateful that they are here and they are healthy. I need to give the credit the babies they deserve, they have been pretty great so far so I’m sure that makes things easier. I just look at them and realize what’s important in this life. I’m the luckiest girl alive.

A post shared by @ maxinelee_y on Sep 10, 2020 at 6:03pm PDT

I wish all the best to this brave and generous mum and her beautiful family. This couple are going to face complicated situations, but they have the most important thing to overcome everything, love for each other and their 9 children.

The post Young mom blessed with quadruplets only weeks after adopting 4 foster children appeared first on Happy Santa.
